That's why the cultural tide is going to shift too. 50 years ago, surfer dude would be reading Beatniks and Marxist philosophy to satisfy his urge for intellectual rebellion. Now he's going the other direction. As I said in my "Conformmunism isn't cool" piece, intellectually curious kids will entertain some insanely stupid ideas, but they won't entertain "lame," conformist ones; and now that the Marxcissists are the stuffy, small-minded authority figures, leftist ideas have lost the "edgy" and countercultural mystique they used to have, which was really their only selling point. It will take a few decades to really play out, so assuming the Marxcissists don't completely destroy civilization in the meantime (big IF), the cultural tide has definitely started turning.
Indeed. Another difference is that a generation ago kids like surfer dude weren't being held down and kicked in the stomach by society. Who wants to conform to an abusive system?
The younger generation will need to rebel for us to survive globalization and its’ pitfalls. I hope there are enough up to the task, and that their anger can be directed in the right direction.
I have a feeling they will. The Boomer Truth Regime started in earnest in the 60s and those people flocked to the (wildly perpetuated and promoted) ideals of the hippie movement because it was counterculture.
To this day the left still thinks they have a stranglehold on comedy and subversive culture.
But now they are lame. They ARE the establishment.They ARE "the man".
In the era of Sam Hyde, their days are numbered. Kids are hardwired to seek out the dangerous and countercultural, and the time for the tide to shift is well past due.
I helped an ex homeschool her kids, and I am still perplexed years later how the girl obstinately refused to even think about how to do the most basic math. Mom's response was, maybe you shouldn't try to teach her math? I guess I don't have much patience for deliberate stupidity. If 5x5 makes you cry I probably don't need to be teaching you math. The boy didn't love math but at least he tried.
As an undergrad I was a logic TA during my final year. I was flabbergasted by students' the lack of basic critical thinking skills, and their overall laziness. My grading became ruthless, but the administration inflated grades to make up for my honesty.
When I taught public schools, after the finals were taken, I was not allowed to post grades until the district decided "the curve." So, little Johnny has a real grade of 30% and will fail the year, but due to "the curve," little Johnny now has a final grade of 80% will be socially promoted to the next grade where he will be unprepared and fail, but "the curve" will save him again.
If I posted the true grades, I would be fired. They cook the books all the time to ensure their numbers look good. As I told one principal, if you did this in finance, you would be in prison.
They've pushed the boys too far. My 12 year old son is very outspoken against radical feminism and the rainbow alphabet cult agenda. Older men may be cow-towed at this point, but I am seeing and feeling an uprising brewing within the younger generation of men/boys.
Really excellent essay! And a very heartwarming anecdote about the intellectually rebellious young surfer dude! Contrary to what O'Brien told Winston Smith in 1984, the Human Spirit is irrepressible, like trying to hold an inflated beachball under water. You can hold it there for a time, but it will always overcome your attempts to drown it. (Of course, the NPCs/hylics may lack this "human spirit" altogether, which is a separate issue...) Great post!
I agree with a lot of what you're saying, but if kids are at school for 8 hours per day, I think homework is excessive; kids should get everything that needs to be done while they're at school, and exercise should be mandatory.
Consider that most of their other classea focus on brainwashing them with socjus narratives and not actual learning.
Kids need to do problems to practice. I dont assign busywork, but work that lets them test themselves and figure things out on their own. I dont try to overload them with it, but you can't do physics or chem without putting in the work. It's a muscle that must be exercised.
*kids need to practice to solve ACTUAL science/mathematics problems and think through solutions. I didn't mean to imply that ALL homework was beneficial. Having them write a 1000 word essay on antisemitism is beyond useless
No, if kids aren't reading and thinking at home on their own time they never will later in life. I went to private alternative high school and we had a minimum of 2 hours of homework a night, often more. Stuff like 2 dozen advanced math problems, and read a chapter of a college level biology text book, and read all of Brothers Karamozov in a couple of weeks which is like an 800 page book. I am better for this, it was actually way more rigorous than my supposedly top notch liberal arts college.
Not all kids can handle this, and they should be tracked to a tech high school were they are building things all day. The lack of demanding excellence from academically inclined and non academically inclined students is why we got abominations like woke.
Agree about exercise. But there should be a walk a mile option for non agile students.
This is factually wrong, Mister Raven. You can read a biography of various millionaires and celebrities, many of them did terrible in school during the early parts of their life, such as Tom Cruise, Mark Cuban, Eminem, etc..
Maturity comes later in life, and a lot of men don't take study seriously until their late 20s. Don't be surprised when kids are immature or distracted.
Suck cess pool is ruining our society, our planet, and peoples psyches and spiritual lives, not impressed. You do indeed worship billonaire psychoes apparently, but worship should be saved for Jessus.
Yes teaching kids to be lazy and not read will surely lead to good outcomes, eye roll. As for millionaires wealth is not a good metric for intelligence, creativity, or ethics, rather the reverse in fact in contemporary society.
Agree 1000%. The training for make-work BS jobs starts early in life. That said, the projects the author assigns sound like they're actually teaching the kids valuable skills. No doubt, though, the kids are getting plenty of useless busywork in other classes.
So, my wife is named Erica, with a “c” instead of “k.” I am a huge fan of all military marching music, regardless of nation or era. I was unfamiliar with that song. I had to look it up. I read the English translation to her, and honest to God, I got choked up. Some people might think it is a sappy sentimental song, but for Soldiers marching to war, you have to have something to keep you going. This song is a keeper for me, and I too shall sing “Erika” to my Erica.
Like you, I came from a totally different field and ended up teaching middle school science. No critical thinking, writing, reading, or math skills could be found in these kids. Spent a lot of time teaching it. Like you also, I became a guerilla warfare teacher. Those kids got a far better education than the curriculum the district wanted me to push. After three years I had to walk away though. I felt like David fighting Goliath, but I didn't have a sling.
It's exasperating, but I've managed to keep the bullshit to a minimum. Sure you have to attend faculty meetings where you are to sit with other teachedz and discuss what you're going to "do" during black history month.
I just kept to myself and did work, and no one really gave me shit. If they did i would tell them that racial politics is outside the scope of the natural sciences.
And i think i could get away with it. They are DESPERATE for teachers here.
Thanks for this. I've been thinking about becoming a teacher. I'm a Professional Civil Engineer and it's a useless, woke, disgusting field of work where the government is the only gig in town and it doesn't pay anything. Math and Science teachers are in demand, and it's less pay, but the kids matter.
Think real hard. It's extremely difficult, especially if you teach public schools. I walked away and will never return. The system is so broken it just needs burned to the ground, most teachers and administrators banned for life from education, etc. When parents ask me which type of school I think they should send their children, I always reply "Homeschool." If you can read your child's textbook, you can teach it. If you are willing to do ANYTHING for your child, you will homeschool.
I cannot even fathom how bad most schools in the states are. We are a fairly small school and so far the "woke" isn't TOO bad (islanders are still largely a churchy, semi-conservative sort, so i think that has an effect).
If anything I'd say find a parochial school or somewhere that at least tries to instill values. I would never, EVER set foot in a public school. Those places are now pits of vipers
I understand the problem in SD is the native american kids. Lots of challenges if you choose to do it. Don't give up your engineers license just in case.
Ah yes. The "why do i need to learn this" complaint i hear often from kids.
An elementary science education is not, and classically was NEVER meant to be vocational training.
It's about stoking what should be an innate curiosity about the world. Grad school is for specialization. Anything before that is to promote "humanness".
I went on a rant when one of my students brought this up for like the 5th time. "Oh yes, you're right...Why should we want to learn about the world? Why would we engage in hard work and challenge our brains for the sole purpose of understanding? Why don't we just be content to eat and sleep? You know what that life is? The life of cattle"
Unfortunately most of the class agreed that the life of livestock sounded preferable to being human. I weep for the future.
Surfer dude is definitely based, I've had a few Quebec students like him in grade 6, damn but they make me proud. Kids like the one you spoke of are what teaching is all about.
It was the funniest damn thing that's happened to me in years. I REALLY had to hold back my laughter.
Bro. I laughed out loud when I got to the Erika bit. So good. Surfer dude is gonna make it.
That's why the cultural tide is going to shift too. 50 years ago, surfer dude would be reading Beatniks and Marxist philosophy to satisfy his urge for intellectual rebellion. Now he's going the other direction. As I said in my "Conformmunism isn't cool" piece, intellectually curious kids will entertain some insanely stupid ideas, but they won't entertain "lame," conformist ones; and now that the Marxcissists are the stuffy, small-minded authority figures, leftist ideas have lost the "edgy" and countercultural mystique they used to have, which was really their only selling point. It will take a few decades to really play out, so assuming the Marxcissists don't completely destroy civilization in the meantime (big IF), the cultural tide has definitely started turning.
Indeed. Another difference is that a generation ago kids like surfer dude weren't being held down and kicked in the stomach by society. Who wants to conform to an abusive system?
Aside from the types who embrace their role as "male feminists" or the autogynephiles (aka, transgenders), no one.
The younger generation will need to rebel for us to survive globalization and its’ pitfalls. I hope there are enough up to the task, and that their anger can be directed in the right direction.
I have a feeling they will. The Boomer Truth Regime started in earnest in the 60s and those people flocked to the (wildly perpetuated and promoted) ideals of the hippie movement because it was counterculture.
To this day the left still thinks they have a stranglehold on comedy and subversive culture.
But now they are lame. They ARE the establishment.They ARE "the man".
In the era of Sam Hyde, their days are numbered. Kids are hardwired to seek out the dangerous and countercultural, and the time for the tide to shift is well past due.
Fascinating stuff.
I helped an ex homeschool her kids, and I am still perplexed years later how the girl obstinately refused to even think about how to do the most basic math. Mom's response was, maybe you shouldn't try to teach her math? I guess I don't have much patience for deliberate stupidity. If 5x5 makes you cry I probably don't need to be teaching you math. The boy didn't love math but at least he tried.
As an undergrad I was a logic TA during my final year. I was flabbergasted by students' the lack of basic critical thinking skills, and their overall laziness. My grading became ruthless, but the administration inflated grades to make up for my honesty.
When I taught public schools, after the finals were taken, I was not allowed to post grades until the district decided "the curve." So, little Johnny has a real grade of 30% and will fail the year, but due to "the curve," little Johnny now has a final grade of 80% will be socially promoted to the next grade where he will be unprepared and fail, but "the curve" will save him again.
If I posted the true grades, I would be fired. They cook the books all the time to ensure their numbers look good. As I told one principal, if you did this in finance, you would be in prison.
They've pushed the boys too far. My 12 year old son is very outspoken against radical feminism and the rainbow alphabet cult agenda. Older men may be cow-towed at this point, but I am seeing and feeling an uprising brewing within the younger generation of men/boys.
Bring it on!
Really excellent essay! And a very heartwarming anecdote about the intellectually rebellious young surfer dude! Contrary to what O'Brien told Winston Smith in 1984, the Human Spirit is irrepressible, like trying to hold an inflated beachball under water. You can hold it there for a time, but it will always overcome your attempts to drown it. (Of course, the NPCs/hylics may lack this "human spirit" altogether, which is a separate issue...) Great post!
I agree with a lot of what you're saying, but if kids are at school for 8 hours per day, I think homework is excessive; kids should get everything that needs to be done while they're at school, and exercise should be mandatory.
Consider that most of their other classea focus on brainwashing them with socjus narratives and not actual learning.
Kids need to do problems to practice. I dont assign busywork, but work that lets them test themselves and figure things out on their own. I dont try to overload them with it, but you can't do physics or chem without putting in the work. It's a muscle that must be exercised.
*kids need to practice to solve ACTUAL science/mathematics problems and think through solutions. I didn't mean to imply that ALL homework was beneficial. Having them write a 1000 word essay on antisemitism is beyond useless
Sure I think you're a great teacher, and my comments probably are framed clumsily.
I don't think public education is efficiently designed, but I'm sure u agree with me on that.
Anyway bro hope your real life is going well, happy for your continued success William.
Thanks man. Appreciate it!
No, if kids aren't reading and thinking at home on their own time they never will later in life. I went to private alternative high school and we had a minimum of 2 hours of homework a night, often more. Stuff like 2 dozen advanced math problems, and read a chapter of a college level biology text book, and read all of Brothers Karamozov in a couple of weeks which is like an 800 page book. I am better for this, it was actually way more rigorous than my supposedly top notch liberal arts college.
Not all kids can handle this, and they should be tracked to a tech high school were they are building things all day. The lack of demanding excellence from academically inclined and non academically inclined students is why we got abominations like woke.
Agree about exercise. But there should be a walk a mile option for non agile students.
This is factually wrong, Mister Raven. You can read a biography of various millionaires and celebrities, many of them did terrible in school during the early parts of their life, such as Tom Cruise, Mark Cuban, Eminem, etc..
Maturity comes later in life, and a lot of men don't take study seriously until their late 20s. Don't be surprised when kids are immature or distracted.
Tom Cruise is a fucking Scientologist, ie tard.
He has earned close to one billion dollars over the course of his lifetime, which exceeds any reasonable metric for success.
Suck cess pool is ruining our society, our planet, and peoples psyches and spiritual lives, not impressed. You do indeed worship billonaire psychoes apparently, but worship should be saved for Jessus.
Yes teaching kids to be lazy and not read will surely lead to good outcomes, eye roll. As for millionaires wealth is not a good metric for intelligence, creativity, or ethics, rather the reverse in fact in contemporary society.
Homework doesn't measure adult success. You can insult me or willfully ignore the point, I'm not going to take it personally.
I think school is suboptimally designed, which is unrelated to teachers who are excellent.
Clearly you went to bad schools, most likely public schools which almost universally suck, from that it doesn't follow education is useless.
Agree 1000%. The training for make-work BS jobs starts early in life. That said, the projects the author assigns sound like they're actually teaching the kids valuable skills. No doubt, though, the kids are getting plenty of useless busywork in other classes.
yes William Maize is an excellent teacher
If the troons and empty-egg-carton brigade are going to get to kids first then why shouldn't we?
So, my wife is named Erica, with a “c” instead of “k.” I am a huge fan of all military marching music, regardless of nation or era. I was unfamiliar with that song. I had to look it up. I read the English translation to her, and honest to God, I got choked up. Some people might think it is a sappy sentimental song, but for Soldiers marching to war, you have to have something to keep you going. This song is a keeper for me, and I too shall sing “Erika” to my Erica.
Like you, I came from a totally different field and ended up teaching middle school science. No critical thinking, writing, reading, or math skills could be found in these kids. Spent a lot of time teaching it. Like you also, I became a guerilla warfare teacher. Those kids got a far better education than the curriculum the district wanted me to push. After three years I had to walk away though. I felt like David fighting Goliath, but I didn't have a sling.
Well done Sir and I wish you the best of luck.
It's exasperating, but I've managed to keep the bullshit to a minimum. Sure you have to attend faculty meetings where you are to sit with other teachedz and discuss what you're going to "do" during black history month.
I just kept to myself and did work, and no one really gave me shit. If they did i would tell them that racial politics is outside the scope of the natural sciences.
And i think i could get away with it. They are DESPERATE for teachers here.
I just walked away. It’s broken beyond repair. I focus on my grandsons now.
Thanks for this. I've been thinking about becoming a teacher. I'm a Professional Civil Engineer and it's a useless, woke, disgusting field of work where the government is the only gig in town and it doesn't pay anything. Math and Science teachers are in demand, and it's less pay, but the kids matter.
Think real hard. It's extremely difficult, especially if you teach public schools. I walked away and will never return. The system is so broken it just needs burned to the ground, most teachers and administrators banned for life from education, etc. When parents ask me which type of school I think they should send their children, I always reply "Homeschool." If you can read your child's textbook, you can teach it. If you are willing to do ANYTHING for your child, you will homeschool.
Just my two cents.
I cannot even fathom how bad most schools in the states are. We are a fairly small school and so far the "woke" isn't TOO bad (islanders are still largely a churchy, semi-conservative sort, so i think that has an effect).
If anything I'd say find a parochial school or somewhere that at least tries to instill values. I would never, EVER set foot in a public school. Those places are now pits of vipers
I'm in SD, so it's a little different here but I'm sure there are the same problems. I moved from MN, and I would never teach there.
I understand the problem in SD is the native american kids. Lots of challenges if you choose to do it. Don't give up your engineers license just in case.
One of the best reads in a while! Hope is alive!
they're gonna use 0 of this curriculum in real life anyway 🤭
Ah yes. The "why do i need to learn this" complaint i hear often from kids.
An elementary science education is not, and classically was NEVER meant to be vocational training.
It's about stoking what should be an innate curiosity about the world. Grad school is for specialization. Anything before that is to promote "humanness".
I went on a rant when one of my students brought this up for like the 5th time. "Oh yes, you're right...Why should we want to learn about the world? Why would we engage in hard work and challenge our brains for the sole purpose of understanding? Why don't we just be content to eat and sleep? You know what that life is? The life of cattle"
Unfortunately most of the class agreed that the life of livestock sounded preferable to being human. I weep for the future.
Surfer dude is definitely based, I've had a few Quebec students like him in grade 6, damn but they make me proud. Kids like the one you spoke of are what teaching is all about.