Great post! The specific details of my own journey are different, but the overall pattern is almost identical; and I suspect that's true for many people who now find themselves lumped in with the dissident Right, after getting awakened to the reality of our situation during the scamdemic and the 2020 color revolution in America.

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I find your piece to be nothing short of moving and inciteful, whilst coated red in a sort of apathetic rage. On one hand, rightfully so, but on the other hand, callously self-deceiving.

The fact that evil, or better, malevolence, exists and is well exercised is unobjectionable. And we should be hardly surprised that such is often at the helm of institutional power. After all, one would be hard-pressed to find a ruler or group of rulers in history that at some point did not practice despotism in one way or another. I would go even further to say that the very concept of human governance is nothing short of an incubation chamber for the very sort of tyrannical malevolence that humanity should wary of.

What these despots always seem to lack the foresight for, is the inevitable entropy that ensues with their hubristic actions. Karma, in other words, eventually comes crashing down around them, sundering their legacies into a foggy memory of meaninglessness. Which seems to always stand as the predominant destiny for materialistic kings.

So do we fight, or pacifistically accept our fates?

I believe the answer is neither, but is rooted in the very magic you demonstrated when quoting the songs relevant to your essay. That magic, is the antithesis of entropy - Novelty, Art, and the creative spark that human beings have an infinite capacity for. And it is within those the world will come to rescue itself from the brink of destruction.

Minds like Orwell and Huxley saw the importance of this, and employed their skill with the pen by reaching the hearts and minds of a great many of individuals with their works like 1984 and Brave New World. Within both came significant philosophical warnings, and the inspiration native in all works of art for others to follow suit, and proceed with the continuation of the never ending spiral that is creative story-telling. After all, humans don't learn a fucking thing from history books, we learn from mythologized stories. You clearly have a gift with the pen, and I challenge you, fellow/former teufel hunden, to put that pen to such use.

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Thanks a lot man, that means quite a bit. I'm just getting back from a trip to Europe and it's stirring up some ideas. More to come!

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"Rome never ended," Philip K. Dick.

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For a survey of the reality of this, take a look at Prussiagate, the substack of Willy Voll. It might require you to read through the entire Urania series to the most recent one but it is a ride worth taking, if you do not know of this already which you may very well do, judging from your comment.

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Nice work! You really articulate what lots of us feel. I relate personally. I’m a retired army guys. Find myself searching for some kind of serenity but never find it. Never really thought about the underlying gloom of modern society. Interesting how mostly humans instinct is to take the easy road in todays world (me too). But it’s not what’s good for us in the long haul. We must be the only animal on this planet that has the ability to out think what’s good for us.

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Beautifully summed up - the highlights of my path as well.

Another addition to the soundtrack:

'Nothing was delivered

But I can't say I sympathize

With what your fate is going to be

Yes, for telling all those lies

Now you must provide some answers

For what you sold that's not been received

And the sooner you come up with them

The sooner you can leave....'

Bob Dylan and the Band

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From a late boomer, that one resonates.


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What a lovely Gnosis.

Perhaps evil is just the ultimate undesired state, without which we cannot desire good?

I'll see you all out in the fields beyond both.

All learning is remembering.

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